A main event comprising of 3 stages shall be held which includes
It's here ,where you set yourself apart from the competition. It is the first and the most important phase as it influences profoundly on the entire event. Here the participants from different colleges should introduce themselves, communicate well with each other by sharing their individual strengths and weaknesses regarding the event and form a strategical team. Here approaching strangers and understanding their skills plays a key role. Various tasks can be assigned to scrutinize and justify the teams formed . One of which includes the teams should visit different places which are assigned to them and submit the pictures and report of the same. Communication holds a major role . So get started ! Hustle and keep yourself and your team going!!
This is a very skillful phase where the team is required to develop a product . The teammates should exploit each others capabilities in building the product . The product has to prove its competence with respect to consumer requirements, profit and stability in the market. Teams are required to look into the details, and consider every possible aspect be it a minor one and ultimately come up with a proficient product. Further instructions and rules regarding this phase if any will be notified during the event. Use your dexterity in the best way possible and come up with the sublime product.
The product is just a static commodity when it doesn't move. Yeah when it doesn't move in the market . Marketing is the prime phase of any business. It is even the hottest topic of today. Good marketing plan is the backbone of successful marketing enterprise. A marketing plan aims at planning the marketing strategies for a company. Preparing marketing plans involve within it the market opportunities through market research, identifying profitable segments and targeting them through compounded marketing mix strategies. This phase is entirely about the word 'Marketing'. Here the participants should go outside the campus and sell the product within the given time. Points will be based on the profit earned . This round will also include an Ad-making contest.
Graduate level - This expo shall be open to engineering students irrespective of their domains. They can participate and get to know about the dynamics of how stuffs, codes and machines work.
It is a student-startup interaction platform, wherein budding student entrepreneurship enthusiasts can gain insights about building a new enterprise by shared real life experiences from well established entrepreneurs who have successful start-ups. They shall share the path they chose to walk and about all the difficult hurdles they went through, surpassed and overcame. Such an interaction can play a crucial part in their planning and network building, and can open new windows of opportunities thereby being immensely helpful like a route-map in the early journey of a self-built entrepreneur.
Problem statement will be given on spot and it’s solution should be found.
It’s all about creativity in this competition. Problem statement will be displayed on the website and the participants must bring the required components and build the product. The best product built with a stable, durable and a creative way shall be rewarded.
This is also an event for young entrepreneurs wherein they are supposed to submit a business model of their project. This event has two stages.
This intial process shall be done withthe help of a best-in-class video conferencing facility at Malnad. The participants shall have a conference with esteemed people who are resourceful in specific fields and can get elucidation in their project ideas from them.
This presentation is a veryimportant final stage of Seed Grant. The presentation of participants’ ideas, thoughts, business strategy and profit expectations with many other aspects should submitted in a simple yet significant manner to the judging authorities.
The best performing participants shall be selected by juriesand will be awarded with a funding to implement their project ideas in a fruitful manner.